Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm Alive!

Just so all my dear readers (all three of you) know, I'm still alive. I'm just in St. Louis until April 15 with not much time to blog, alas! Actually, I have posted since Christmas, but Blogger hates me and insists that I wrote that post in November. So anyway, that's where my latest post is. It's titled "Growing Up". Just in case you care. If you don't, why are you here? Just a thought...

So anyway. Maybe sometime I'll actually have something to say next time I post. Until then, Adiu!


Unknown said...

glad to know your still alive!

Simply Tiffany said...

Blogger HATES you?!?!?! What a terrible thing for blogger to do...maybe we should blackmail them until they love you...;-)

Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!! said...

am i the third? :)

Unknown said...

Why thank you!

I can't wait to see you either! I love you.

Haha. Yes, I suppose you are.

Simply Tiffany said...

'Twas so lovely to see you this past weekend!!! We had a wonderful time! Love you!!

Allison said...

Hi! I found your blog through Tiffany's. I have a suggestion that should (hopefully) work to fix your post date. If you click to edit that post, at the bottom there should be a button that says, "Post Options". Click on that and you should be able to change the date. Hope it helps!
In Christ,