Thursday, December 28, 2006

I always wonder what people think of me. What do people say about me when they are talking about me? How do I come across to those that know me well and those that don’t? I know how I see me, but experience leads me to believe that how someone sees themselves is not necessarily the way that they are seen by others.

I’m not sure how I am perceived by those around me, but I feel that I likely have a reputation for being rather strange, which does not bother me. I think that some people dislike the idea of being strange. I don’t. So in keeping with that supposed reputation, I’m posting on the perception that we have of ourselves. Hey, I never claimed to be normal.

I think that how you perceive your personality and character must be similar to the way that you perceive your voice. I am perfectly accustomed to the way I speak, but when I hear a recording of my voice I, (not being pleased with what I’m hearing) ask “is that really what I sound like?”

And everyone looks at me like “Well duh. Of course that’s what you sound like.”

So what is the “real you”, the one that you see, of the one that others perceive? Whose view is the legitimate one? Or perhaps it is neither is. Perhaps the real you is the one that neither you of others see, but the one that God sees. To see what we all look like to Him would be a real eye-opener, I think.


James said...

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

By that I'd assume that the way you perceive yourself is the real you.

No one except the people closest to you can see you for who you really are. Even the people closest to you can't, really. They only know what you choose to show them and half of the time they interpret that wrong anyhow.

Thats why I like dogs, dogs understand you perfectly- they understand that you're cool and that your in charge. Thats all I really want everyone else to think about me.

Anonymous said...

"I yam what I yam." - Popeye

"Simul justus et peccator" - Martin Luther

Unknown said...

Hum, that's a thought. I'll meditate on that one.

Well there you go...